Managing water security and sustaining ecosystem functions under future warming poses substantial challenges for semi-arid regions. The Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) is particularly vulnerable given the considerable demand for water that underpins Australia’s agricultural production and contribution to the national economy. Understanding future drought risk requires a robust assessment of natural variability in drought length, frequency, and magnitude. In the absence of long instrumental records, past drought characteristics can be inferred from paleo-records. We reconstruct over 800 years of Murray River streamflow using a suite of tree-ring chronologies from regions with strong climate teleconnections to the MDB. The reconstruction (1190–2000 CE) captures a broad spectrum of natural climate variability, not fully represented in instrumental records, contributing to an improved understanding of the occurrence rate of multi-year droughts. We found that the Millennium Drought, which occurred in the 2000s, was the most severe (joint duration, magnitude, and peak) during the 800-year reconstruction. The return period of this event is estimated to be ∼2500 years. However, droughts in the early-1200s were of a longer duration and similar magnitude to the Millennium Drought. We used climate models to assess how the occurrence probability of severe droughts might change in the future. Compared to the 800-year baseline, climate models project an increase in future drought severity. While the increase in drought occurrence is within the uncertainty range for most future projections, the driest forecast shows a significant increase in the likelihood of severe droughts compared to natural variability. Our results highlight the need for water management strategies not to rely solely on instrumental data as it may not fully represent current and future risks. Ensuring a resilient MDB under future warming will require a robust water security policy that captures a broader range of natural and anthropogenic variability than currently recognised.