Abstract. Atmospheric turbulence and in particular its effect on tracer dispersion may be
measured by cameras sensitive to the absorption of ultraviolet (UV)
sunlight by sulfur dioxide
(SO2), a gas that can be considered a passive tracer over short
transport distances. We present a method to simulate UV camera
measurements of SO2 with a 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer model
which takes input from a large eddy simulation (LES) of a SO2
plume released from a point source. From the simulated images the
apparent absorbance and various plume density statistics
(centre-line position, meandering, absolute and relative dispersion, and
skewness) were calculated. These were compared
with corresponding quantities obtained directly from the LES.
Mean differences of centre-line position, absolute and
relative dispersions, and skewness between the
simulated images and the LES were generally found to be smaller than or
about the voxel
resolution of the LES. Furthermore, sensitivity studies were made to
quantify how changes in solar azimuth and zenith angles, aerosol loading
(background and in plume), and surface albedo impact the UV camera
image plume statistics. Changing the values of these parameters within realistic
limits has negligible effects on the centre-line position, meandering,
absolute and relative dispersions, and skewness
of the SO2 plume. Thus, we demonstrate that UV camera images of
SO2 plumes may be used to derive plume statistics of relevance for
the study of atmospheric turbulent dispersion.