Collateral development in chronic total occlusions (CTO) is crucial to perfuse the distal myocardium and its angiographic evaluation is frequently used to assess the need for revascularization. We aimed to analyse the association between the presence of ischemia and hibernating myocardium, evaluated by cardiac [ 13 N]NH3/2-[ 18 F]FDG PET-CT, and the angiographic characterization of the collateral circulation.Prospective study including patients with a CTO who underwent a [ 13 N]NH3 and, when deemed necessary, 2-[ 18 F]FDG PET-CT. Well developed (WD) collaterals were de ned as a concomitant angiographic Rentrop grade 3 and Werner collateral connection score 2 or 3, whereas the remaining as poorly developed (PD). Two percentage thresholds used to identify prognostic bene t of revascularization were applied: ischemia >10% and hibernating myocardium >7%. Fifty-nine patients (age 62.9±9.1 years, 58 male) were recruited, WD collaterals were present in 28 (47.5%). No signi cant differences were found in ischemia (WD 6.4±4.3 vs. PD 7.0±4.1, p=0.64) and hibernation (WD 1.8±1.9 vs. PD 3.1±3.3, p=0.18) scores. Most CTO territories demonstrated ischemia, but only 19 (46.3%) were associated with an area >10% (WD 47.6% vs. PD 45.0%, p=0.58). Scared non-viable myocardium was limited to 9 (15.3%) patients and was not associated with PD collaterals. Hibernating myocardium was frequent (54.2%), but just 6 (10.2%) CTO patients had an area of >7% (WD 3.6% vs. PD 16.1%, p=0.20).Collateral assessment by angiography has a poor association with the ischemic burden and hibernation state of CTO territories. Myocardial viability was present even in most CTO with angiographic PD collaterals.