Ichimoku Kinkohyo or Ichimoku Cloud Chart is one of the most popular technical indicators used by traders all over the world. However, its profitability is heavily influenced by the market environment, to which it is applied. Furthermore, the COVID-19 outbreak may have an impact on the market environment as well as the performance of all technical indicators. This study is the first to look into the profitability of Ichimoku-based trading rules in the Vietnamese stock market in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. More particularly, the COVID-19 outbreak has a positive influence on the performance of this strategy when applied to the four industries consisting of real estate industry, food and beverage industry, resource industry, and automotive and electronic components industry. The obtained results demonstrate that the Ichimoku-based strategy can be considered a suitable method for applying Vietnam stock market, indeed no matter if there would be adverse effects of the pandemic on the industries or not.