In the present work, we investigate the bulk properties of nuclear matter
and neutron stars with the newly proposed relativistic interaction NL-RS which
provides an opportunity to readjust the coupling constants keeping in view the
properties of finite nuclei, nuclear matter, PREX-II results for neutron skin thickness in
Pb and astrophysical observations. The NL-RS model interaction has been proposed
by fitting the ground state properties (binding energies and charge radii) of finite
nuclei, bulk nuclear matter properties, and PREX-II results for neutron skin thickness
of 208 Pb. The relativistic interaction has been generated by including non-linear self-
interactions of σ and ωµ -mesons and mixed interactions of ωµ , and ρµ -meson up to
the quartic order. The proposed interaction harmonizes with the finite nuclei, bulk
nuclear matter, and neutron star properties. A covariance analysis is performed to
assess the statistical uncertainties on the model parameters and nuclear observables of
interest along with correlations amongst them. The equation of state (EoS) composed
of nucleons and leptons in β - β-equilibrium is computed with the proposed parameter
set and used to study the neutron star structure. The maximum mass of the neutron
star by employing the EoS computed with the NL-RS parameter set is 2.04±0.03
M⊙ and the radius of a canonical mass neutron star (R1.4 ) comes out to be equal to
13.06±0.16 Km. The value of dimensionless tidal deformability, for canonical mass, is
602.23±33.13 which satisfies the