We present a fast, general computational technique for computing the phase-space solution of static Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Starting with the Liouville formulation of the characteristic equations, we derive ''Escape Equations'' which are static, time-independent Eulerian PDEs. They represent all arrivals to the given boundary from all possible starting configurations. The solution is numerically constructed through a ''one-pass'' formulation, building on ideas from semi-Lagrangian methods, Dijkstra-like methods for the Eikonal equation, and Ordered Upwind Methods. To compute all possible trajectories corresponding to all possible boundary conditions, the technique is of computational order O(N log N), where N is the total number of points in the computational phase-space domain; any particular set of boundary conditions then is extracted through rapid post-processing. Suggestions are made for speeding up the algorithm in the case when the particular distribution of sources is provided in advance. As an application, we apply the technique to the problem of computing first, multiple, and most energetic arrivals to the Eikonal equation.W e present a fast, general computational technique for computing phase-space solutions of static HamiltonJacobi equations. We derive a set of ''Escape Equations'' that are static, time-independent Eulerian partial differential equations which represent all arrivals to the given boundary from all possible starting configurations. Following the strategy proposed in (1) we solve these Escape Equations by systematically constructing space marching the solution in increasing order, using a ''one-pass'' formulation. This means that the solution at each point in the computational mesh is computed only k times, where k does not depend on the number of points in the mesh. The algorithm combines ideas of semi-Lagrangian methods, Dijkstra-like methods for the Eikonal equation, and Ordered Upwind Methods. The method is unconditionally stable, with no time-step restriction, and can be made higher-order accurate. We demonstrate the applicability of this technique by computing multiple arrivals to the Eikonal equation in a variety of settings.The methods presented here are efficient. The Escape Equations are posed time-independent Eulerian equations in phase space, whose solution gives the exit time and location for all possible trajectories, starting from all interior points, initialized in all directions. The computational speed depends on whether one wants to, in fact, obtain results for all possible boundary conditions, or, in fact, only for a particular subset of possibilities.To illustrate, consider a two-dimensional problem consisting of a region and its boundary; we discretize the region with a square mesh with N points on each side. Thus, the physical space corresponding to the interior consists of N 2 points, with N points on the boundary (we ignore constants).In the most general form of boundary conditions, such as those which occur in applications such as tomography and seismic migr...