Supernumerary lacrimal punctum is rare, and very few cases have been reported. Most patients are asymptomatic, but in some excessive tearing could be a symptom. In addition, obstruction of the canaliculi causing canaliculitis has been reported. We describe four cases in detail with their presentations and diagnosis. The first patient presented with a right eye lesion and during examination, the left eye was less than mid dilated compared to that of the right eye. Further examination of the left eye revealed two left lower lid puncta. In another patient who was evaluated for diabetic retinopathy, two left lower lid puncta that shared the same canaliculus were noted. Furthermore, two lower lid puncta were found in a patient who came for cataract follow-up. Finally, in a patient who was following up in the retinal clinic, two lower lid puncta were documented. Probing to the accessory punctum showed that the canaliculus had an immediate horizontal course, unlike the rest of the puncta which showed a vertical then a horizontal course. Furthermore, in the accessory punctum, there was a soft stop, around 4 mm of the inserting probe. In summary, supernumerary lacrimal punctum is rare, and ophthalmologists need to be aware of this abnormality.