Fifty years' development and future perspectives of psychiatric register research Munk-Jørgensen P, Okkels N, Golberg D, Ruggeri M, Thornicroft G. Fifty years' development and future perspectives of psychiatric register research.Objective: This article illustrates the development of psychiatric register research and discusses the strengths, limitations, and possible directions for future activities. Method: Examples illustrating the development from the post-World War II introduction of psychiatric register research until today are selected.Results: The strengths of register research are seen especially within health service. Until recently, when starting linking registers to biobanks, register research had limited value in cause-seeking. Register research benefits from the possibilities for following identifiable persons over long time (lifelong) and the possibilities for linking to other registers and databases. Important limitations of register research are the heterogeneity and questionable validity of the clinical data collected. Conclusion: Future register research can go in the direction of big is beautiful collecting data from all possible sources creating giga-registers. In that case, low data quality will still be an unsolved problem. Or it can take the direction of smaller local clinical databases which has many advantages, for example, integrating clinical knowledge and experience into register research. However, in that case, registers will not be able to deal with rare conditions and diseases.
Clinical recommendations• Modern psychiatric register research has its strength in linking registers, databases, and biobanks.• Psychiatric registers are in specific useful tools in health service research.• When interpreting psychiatric register research, the reader must be aware of limited data quality.
Additional comments• Direction of future organization may choose different ways, for example giga-registers and smaller clinically integrated registers.• Huge register research centers risk floating away from daily clinical practice and research.• Initiatives from international organizations, for example WHO, to set standards for quality and interpretation of register research should be most welcomed when future directions for psychiatric register research will be developed.