\s=b\ Temporal bone metastasis of classic testicular seminoma is extremely rare in the English literature. Except for a clinical case report of seminoma in the temporal bone, to our knowledge there is no temporal bone pathology report of secondary seminoma. In the left temporal bone of the present case, tumor cell infiltration was found in the external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, middle ear cavity, tympanic and mastoid mucosa, tensor tympani muscle, and so on. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;112:102-105) Metastatic tumors of the temporal bone are rare. A comprehensive literature survey by Hill and Kohut1 in 1976 revealed 103 cases of metastat¬ ic temporal bone malignancies. We report herein a rare case of temporal bone metastasis of the classical semi¬ noma of testis. In our English litera¬ ture review, there was no temporal bone report on