Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the factors acting as barriers or facilitators, from diagnosis and sickness absence (SA) to RTW and work retention, after a cancer-related SA from the perspectives of all stakeholders in the Spanish setting.
Methods: Descriptive qualitative approach with a socio-constructivist perspective. Theoretical sampling was carried out until saturation. Six discussion groups (4-8 people/group) were conducted: three groups of people with a cancer-related SA in Catalonia (Spain), one with oncology care professionals, and two with company representatives. An additional individual interview was conducted with a primary care physician. The sessions were held virtually and were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis and mixed coding.
Results: Barriers to RTW and work retention detected by stakeholders included insufficient information and guidance on the impact of cancer on work and SA management, lack of general knowledge and recognition of side effects, lack of consideration of job tasks by medical tribunals, and working in precarious employment. Facilitators included workplace support, psycho-oncologists, patient associations, and working for a public company.
Conclusions: Both work interruption due to an SA and RTW, are key moments for determining cancer survivors’ work retention. We found a general perception of lack of involvement of the social security system, companies, and health professionals in Spain in the impact of cancer on work.
Implications for Cancer Survivors: Integrating the work sphere in cancer care from the beginning of cancer treatment, and by all stakeholders, could facilitate successful future RTW.