Most members of the board of governors at the Americas Hernia Society aim to redefine the field of hernia care as abdominal core health, the discipline as abdominal core surgery, and the identity of associated clinicians as abdominal core surgeons. The abdominal core is defined as the circumferential soft tissues of the diaphragm superiorly, the pelvic floor inferiorly, and the abdominal wall and flank anterolaterally, excluding the abdominopelvic viscera (Figure). This concept has been described before, as outlined by Wood et al. 1 The field of abdominal core health encompasses the stability and function of the abdominal core and associated quality of life. Maintenance of abdominal core health may include exercise, physical therapy, medical therapy (including compression garment or truss use), alternative medical therapies (including acupuncture or yoga), surgical intervention, and measures to prevent disease (eg, hernia prophylaxis). Disease processes involving abdominal core health include intrinsic diseases of the abdominal wall (eg, hernia, diastasis, athletic pubalgia or core muscle injury, benign tumors, malignant tumors) and extrinsic diseases of the abdominal wall (eg, prosthetic or intervention-associated complications, benign tumors, malignant tumors).Establishing abdominal core health as a new field would have the potential for sweeping change. The anticipated benefits of this change include (1) reinventing the field to be reflective of the actual care physicians provide to patients; (2) providing a fresh, new, and innovative brand for a discipline of surgery that has historically appealed only to a narrow clinician demographic; (3) increasing the multidisciplinary scope of practitioners who would help care for patients, including general surgeons (and associated subspecialists), plastic surgeons, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, exercise physiologists, physical therapists, and those focused on disorders of the pelvic floor; (4) giving clinicians a renewed identity as specialists in abdominal core health and abdominal core surgery, focusing on what unites them for a comprehensive approach to health promotion and not simply disease management; (5) enabling research collaboration focusing on the abdominal core as a holistic entity and integral part of patients' lives; (6) redefining medical education by creating a comprehensive didactic approach to one of the most dynamic and complex areas of the body, the abdominal wall, and not just a focus on hernia; and (7) improving opportunities for philanthropy, research, quality improvement, and device surveillance by taking an area with largely negative connotations of disease (hernia) and transforming it into a field with a positive connotation of health (abdominal core health).As a professional organization, the Americas Hernia Society will (1) encourage the adoption of the concept of abdominal core health for surgeons, allied health