Exceto onde especificado diferentemente, a matéria publicada neste periódico é licenciada sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons -Atribuição 4. (87,5%), seguidos de 75% da cocaína e 62,5% do crack. Desses, 55,6% fazem uso associado entre as drogas, e 50% consomem álcool nas estradas e 45% já dirigiram após consumir bebida. 61,5% já tiveram alguma DST, e uma parcela que não faz uso do preservativo. Conclusão: observou-se que o uso associado de drogas expõe os motoristas em risco de acidentes, problemas com leis, contágio de doenças, levando a uma degradação social e pessoal com consequências irreversíveis que oneram a vida dos envolvidos, e os cofres públicos, estado vulnerável a possível dependência da droga.
Background and Objectives:To assess the use of drugs by truck drivers and their exposure to risk and life style on the roads. Since drugs are increasingly present among truck drivers, and because they are active in traffic, they must perceive the need to avoid exposing themselves to risks that can affect health conditions and prevent social complications caused by bad habits. Methods: This is a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study with 31 drivers working for a dairy cooperative. A questionnaire was created with 34 questions regarding the Risk Exposure and Lifestyle in Traffic, and the ASSIST Test. Statistical analyses were performed using the Epi Info ® statistical program.The significance level was set at p <0.05, and 95% CI for the chi-square test. Results: The study showed that 75% of the participants were smokers, 64% consumed alcohol and 25.8% used illicit drugs. Stimulants are the most often consumed drugs (87.5%), followed by 75% of cocaine and 62.5% of crack. Of these, 55.6% use more than one drug, and 50% consume alcohol on the roads and 45% have already driven after drinking alcohol. 61.5% have already had some type of STD, and some of them do not use condoms. Conclusion: It was observed that the associated use of illicit drugs put drivers at risk for accidents, problems with the Law, disease contamination, leading to a social and personal degradation with irreversible consequences, affecting the lives of all those involved, as well as public resources, making these drivers vulnerable to possible drug addiction.