Involving Canned FoodsJhedpite the volume• of published work on ¿Ue nutritional adpecti. of canned foodd, relatively little may be reyarded ad strictly quantitative. *.7Ue value of much of the early research atad limited by the nature of tlte adday metltodd available. lilith tlte development of rapid, more precide, and more ipecific adday metltodd, tlte volume of work had rapidly increaded duriny the padt two decoded. 9n many coded the value and reliability of tlte data obtained could have been improved by careful condideration of iuch factord ad the detection of control dampled, adherence to commercial practice, choice of analytical method, and proper Sampliny to overcome variationd inherent in the raw material and in the finidhed product from can to can.9t id hoped that in future work more coyniyance will be taken of the factord which may affect the reliability of the data obtained and the validity of the candudiond reached.