. 2004. Effect of seeding date on canola seed quality and seed vigour. Can. J. Plant Sci. 84: 463-471. Seedling vigour is a key critical component to produce well-established canola (Brassica napus) seedlings under less than ideal conditions in western Canada. Our objective was to determine if seed lots from late October (fall) or early spring (April) seeding dates improve seed vigour relative to mid-May (May) seeding dates. We compared seed size, seed maturity, germination percentage, and seedling emergence under controlled-environment conditions from six seed lots obtained from fall-sown (1997, 1998), April-sown (1998April-sown ( , 1999 and May-sown canola (1998May-sown canola ( , 1999 cv. Quest. On average, 80% of fall-derived seed for both years was larger than 1.7 mm compared to only 32% for May-derived canola seed. April-derived seed was intermediate. Fall and April derived seed were considered 40% mature compared to 16% for May-derived seed. In germination tests at 8°C, May derived seed germinated and emerged slower with a lower total germination percentage compared to falland April-derived seed lots. Priming reduced differences in emergence between the seed lots. Field studies at Scott, SK, sown in the fall of 1999 and 2000, and in early May of 2000 demonstrated that seed derived from fall-and April-sown canola produced higher plant densities, higher biomass at bolting, and higher seed yield than seed derived from May-sown canola. Yield was 10 to 45% less from seed derived from May-sown canola than seed derived from fall-and April-sown canola. This study established the impact of seeding date on seed quality and vigour, which in turn affected emergence, seedling vigour and yield. Also, seed vigour slowly declined within 1 yr, primarily with seed derived from the May-sown canola. Le canola issu des semences de mai donne un rendement de 10 à 45 % inférieur à celui du canola venant des graines d'automne ou d'avril. L'étude illustre bien l'incidence de la date des semis sur la qualité et la vigueur des graines, ce qui a un effet sur la levée, la vigueur des plants et le rendement. Par ailleurs, la vigueur des graines du canola semé en mai s'affaiblit à mesure que l'année progresse.Mots clés : canola, Brassica napus, vigueur (graines), semis (automne), levée, rendement (qualité) Seed germination and seedling emergence result from a sequence of biological events initiated by water imbibition followed by enzymatic metabolism of storage nutrients. All of those events are regulated by the environment and the quality of the seed. Low soil temperature and lack of available soil moisture in the spring delay and reduce seedling emergence, particularly in small seeded crops such as canola (Brassica spp.). The mean spring soil temperature in the canola production area of western Canada ranges from 5 to 13°C at a 5-cm depth. The optimal temperature for canola seed germination and emergence is 15 to 20°C (Kondra et al. 1983). Both suboptimal soil temperature and lack of soil moisture delay and reduce germination perce...