In search for a dynamical description of Q7-branes, which were known as solutions of supergravity equations and then conjectured to be dynamical objects of type IIB string theory, we study the superembedding description of 7-branes in curved type IIB supergravity superspace. With quite minimal and natural assumptions we have found that there is no place for Q7-branes as dynamical branes in superembedding approach. As Q7-brane was also considered as a bound state of two SD7-branes (this is to say of two 7-branes related to the D7-brane by different SL(2) transformation), our study might give implications for the old-standing problem of the covariant and supersymmetric description of multiple Dirichlet p-brane systems. SO(1,9) SO(1,7)×SO(2) moving frame variables (also called Lorentz harmonics) 34 Appendix D. Induced worldvolume superspace geometry for 7-branes 36Appendix E. Derivation of and complete form of some equations 38 1 STV is for Sorokin, Tkach and Volkov, the authors of the pioneer paper [22]. (See also [23,24] for related studies). Such actions are known for superparticles and superstrings in superspaces with up to 16 supersymmetries, including the heterotic string without heterotic fermions [25], as well as for lower dimensional supermembranes (see [26, 27] and [16] for review and further references), but are not known neither for D=10 type II superbranes nor for D=11 M-branes. The problem appears also for heterotic string, on the stage when one tries to include heterotic fermions (or heterotic bosons). A number of approaches to superfield description of heterotic fermions were proposed [28,29], but the most successful of them [29] is restricted to the case of SO(4) group, rather than SO(32) or E 8 ⊗ E 8 charactersitic for the anomaly free heterotic string theory.2 See [32] for an earlier approach to the action for heterotic string similar to the ones in [31,30]. 3 The same conclusion, and also an expression for the (bosonic) Wess-Zumino term in terms of gauge potentials and pull-backs of supergravity fields can be found in [2].