We describe a fixed parameter tractable (fpt) algorithm for Colored Hypergraph Isomorphism which has running time 2 O(b) N O(1) , where the parameter b is the maximum size of the color classes of the given hypergraphs and N is the input size. We also describe fpt algorithms for certain permutation group problems that are used as subroutines in our algorithm.
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IntroductionA hypergraph is an ordered pair X = (V, E) where V is the vertex set and E ⊆ 2 V is the edge set. Two hypergraphs X = (V, E) and X = (V , E ) are said to be isomorphic,Given two hypergraphs X and X , the decision problem Hypergraph Isomorphism (HI) asks whether X ∼ = X . Graph Isomorphism (GI) is obviously polynomial-time reducible to HI. Conversely, HI is also known to be polynomial-time reducible to GI: Given a pair of hypergraphs X = (V, E) and X = (V , E ) as instance for HI, the reduced instance of GI consists of two corresponding bipartite graphs Y and Y defined as follows. The graph Y has vertex set V E and edge set E(Y ) = {{v, e} | v ∈ V, e ∈ E and v ∈ e}, and Y is defined similarly. Here, C D denotes the disjoint union of the sets C and D. It is easy to verify that Y ∼ = Y if and only if X ∼ = X assuming that V can be mapped only to V and E can be mapped only to E . This latter condition is easy to enforce. However, since the above reduction blows up the size of the vertex set in the bipartite encoding, the Zemlyachenko-Luks-Babai graph isomorphism algorithm [3,5,6,25] that runs in time c √ n log n , where n is the size of the vertex set of the graph, does not yield a similar algorithm for hypergraph isomorphism. We note here that the best known hypergraph isomorphism test due to Luks [16] has running time c n . Recently, Babai and Codenotti [4] have shown a 2Õ (k 2 √ n) isomorphism testing algorithm for hypergraphs with hyperedges of size bounded by k.Motivated by this situation, we explore the same algorithmic problem for bounded color class hypergraphs. The input to Colored Hypergraph Isomorphism (CHI) is a pair