Let µ be a Borel measure on a compactum X. The main objects in this paper are σ-ideals Ipdimq, J 0 pµq, J f pµq of Borel sets in X that can be covered by countably many compacta which are finite-dimensional, or of µ-measure null, or of finite µmeasure, respectively. Answering a question of J. Zapletal, we shall show that for the Hilbert cube, the σ-ideal Ipdimq is not homogeneous in a strong way. We shall also show that in some natural instances of measures µ with non-homogeneous σ-ideals J 0 pµq or J f pµq, the completions of the quotient Boolean algebras BorelpXq{J 0 pµq or BorelpXq{J f pµq may be homogeneous.We discuss the topic in a more general setting, involving calibrated σ-ideals.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 03E15, 54H05, 28A78, 54F45.