Chip resistors are a type of resistor among passive components; they are mainly used to regulate the voltage and current in electronic products. A single electronic product may be embedded with dozens of or even more than a thousand thin-film chip resistors varying in resistance. Thin-film chip resistors have low temperature coefficients, which makes them stable and reliable. They have five primary nominalthe-best (NTB) quality characteristics: length, width, height, upper width, and lower width. To increase the quality of thin-film chip resistors and prevent losses from customers returning low-quality or defected products, this study proposes a quality capability assessment method. The proposed method takes sampling errors into account and includes acceptance criteria for individual quality characteristics and the total quality capability. If either of the criteria is not fulfilled, then the manufacturer must improve quality capabilities. A case study of a manufacturer in central Taiwan is presented to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method. Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future work are presented. INDEX TERMS Thin-film chip resistor, process capability index (PCI), quality capability analysis chart (QCAC), normal-the-best (NTB), lower confidence limit (LCL).