This paper reviews recent studies on (1) AE (acoustic emission) and cracking models, (2) failure processes and (3) frictional sliding processes, mainly based on work carried out in Japan. Techniques for AE data acquisition and hypocenter location have been greatly improved; one system can record twenty-one channels of waveforms and can locate the AE hypocenter automatically. Another system can also record the occurrence time and the maximum amplitude of the AE event without dead time. On the basis of these data, we are able to discuss the relation between the distribution of the hypocenters, the occurrence intervals, and the experimentally controlled physical parameters. For this purpose, many studies have tried to develop quantitative expression for the statistical characters of these distributions. Techniques for evaluating AE source parameters are still being developed; and there has been a great deal of improvement in our knowledge about cracking mode of AE. The focal mechanisms have been systematically studied based on the space distributions of the initial motion directions. The studies showed that shear type cracking becomes dominant with increasing axial stress. These mechanism solutions agree well with the local stress field suggested by the fracture plane. Increasing of the failure strength of rocks with increasing stress and strain rates under relatively low confining pressure has been studied experimentally. The failure process and the rate dependency of the fracture strength in the low pressure regime are discussed on the basis of a stress corrosion cracking model. The failure mechanism under higher confining pressures of up to 3GPa is also examined. Some behavior including the variation of AE activity with axial stress differs between low and high confining pressures although the stress-strain relations clearly show brittle deformation in both regimes. On the basis of these differences, the researchers proposed that 'high-pressure' brittle deformation was different from ordinarily observed brittle behavior at low pressure, and examined the failure micromechanisms through an optical and an electron microscopes. Frictional sliding has also been intensively examined in the past decade. Experiments using large samples have demonstrated that the slip propagation process is well described by a slip-weakening model. The relations between the dynamic parameters of slip propagation process and the physical parameters of slip surfaces is becoming clearer.