Critical urban infrastructure resilience to extreme events is an essential pillar of cities resilience to these events. The deterioration or destruction of these infrastructure could be limiting factors for cities in the implementation of resilience solutions for the economic and social development sectors. In practice, developing critical urban infrastructure resilience to extreme events plans is a complex task. It requires several information families relating to extreme events impacts on critical urban infrastructure, extreme events impact socio-economic consequences, Critical urban infrastructure interdependence and critical urban infrastructure vulnerability factors and resilience solutions. In this article, we describe the Badolo Cires (critical infrastructure resilience) model for interdependent critical urban infrastructures resilience modeling and planning. It is a multi-critical infrastructure model to develop and implement resilience plans that integrates extreme events impacts on critical urban infrastructure, extreme events impact socio-economic consequences, Critical urban infrastructure interdependence and critical urban infrastructure vulnerability factors and resilience solutions, gender, social inclusion and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Cires model resilience plans are subdivided into resilience subplans to achieve critical urban infrastructure partial resilience configurations. The results of this article are new scientific achievements that could strengthen cities capacities to design, implement, monitor and evaluate critical urban infrastructure resilience actions, that are guided by relevance, efficiency and impact criteria.