In this report we investigated the correlation between cell morphology and regulation of cytosolic calcium homeostasis. Type I astrocytes were differentiated to stellate process-bearing cells by a 100-min exposure to cAMP. Differentiation of cortical astrocytes increased the magnitude and duration of calcium transients elicited by phospholipase C-activating agents as measured by single cell Fura-2-based imaging. Calcium imaging showed differences in the spatial pattern of the response. In both differentiated and the control cells, the response originated in the periphery and gradually extended into the center of the cell. However, the elevation of cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca 2؉ ] i ) was particularly evident within the processes and adjacent to the inner cell membrane of the differentiated astrocytes. In addition, differentiation significantly prolonged the duration of the [Ca 2؉ ] i elevation. Potentiation of the calcium transients was mimicked by forskolin-induced differentiation and abolished by a specific protein kinase-A blocker. Conversely, the enhancement of the calcium transients was not mimicked by brief exposure to cAMP not causing morphological differentiation, and in PC12 cells that did not undergo morphological changes after 100 min of cAMP treatment. Impairing cAMP-induced cytoskeleton re-organization, by means of cytochalasin D and nocodazole, prevented the potentiation of the calcium transients in cAMPtreated astrocytes. Phospholipase C activity and sensitivity to inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate were not involved in the enhancement of the calcium responses. Also, potentiation of the calcium transients was dependent on extracellular calcium. Calcium storage and thapsigargin-depletable intracellular calcium reservoirs were analogously not increased in differentiated astrocytes. Rearrangement of the cell shape also caused a condensation of the endoplasmic reticulum and altered the spatial relationship between the endoplasmic reticulum and the cell membrane. In conclusion, morphological rearrangements of type I astrocytes increase the magnitude and the duration of agonist-induced calcium transients via enhancement of capacitative calcium entry and is associated with a spatial reorganization of the relationship between cell membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum structures.