Among many other applications, electronic converters can be used with sensors with analogue outputs (DC voltage). This article presents an analogue computation converter with two DC voltages at the inputs (one input changes the frequency of the output signal, another input changes the amplitude of the output signal) that provide a periodic sinusoidal signal (with variable frequency and amplitude) at the output. On the basis of the analogue computation converter is a nonhomogeneous second-order linear ordinary differential equation which is solved analogically. The analogue computation converter consists of analogue multipliers and operational amplifiers, composed of seven function circuits: two analogue multiplication circuits, two analogue addition circuits, one non-inverting amplifier, and two integration circuits (with RC time constants). At the output of an oscillator is a sinusoidal signal which depends on the DC voltages applied on two inputs (0 ÷ 10 V): at one input, a DC voltage is applied to linearly change the sinusoidal frequency output (up to tens of kHz, according to two time constants), and at the other input, a DC voltage is applied to linearly change the amplitude of the oscillator output signal (up to 10 V). It can be used with sensors which have a DC output voltage and must be converted to a sine wave signal with variable frequency and amplitude with the aim of transmitting information over longer distances through wires. This article presents the detailed theory of the functioning, simulations, and experiments of the analogue computation converter.