It has been reported that advanced processors with large multimegabit-embedded SRAM can easily have soft failure rates in excess of 50,000 FIT at terrestrial level [1]. The same error rate can also be achieved for standard high-density ASIC designs at 90 nm and below in [2].For single-chip consumer applications, this error rate may not still be important for most designers, but for high-reliability systems composed of multi-chip assemblies such a rate becomes intolerable [1]. Hence, for mission-critical or high-reliability applications such as military, avionics [3], medical systems [4], etc., other sources for such errors also need to be included in reliability analysis in addition to SETs. These additional error sources include SE soft delays [5], radiation induced clock jitters and clock pulses [6], SE crosstalk noise pulses [7][8][9], and finally the SE crosstalk delay [10] that has been reported relatively recently.All these errors occur under specific conditions: Soft delay effect occurs when high-energy particle hits the drain node of a CMOS gate's transistor while signal at the output is transitioning. SE clock jitter occurs when particles inject charge onto clock circuit nodes during clock edge present. An energetic particle strike on clock circuit nodes can also create a "false clock pulse" which can be interpreted as a legitimate clock pulse. At last, the SE crosstalk noise and crosstalk delay effects occur via interconnect cross-coupling. The interconnect coupling effects can cause SETs to contaminate electronically unrelated circuit paths which can in turn increase the "SE susceptibility" of CMOS circuits.With newer technologies the severity of these mechanisms increase as transistor sizes reduces and working frequencies increase.