This paper presents the first published fully-integrated digital fractional-PLL based on a second-order frequency-to-digital converter (FDC) instead of a time-to-digital converter (TDC). The PLL's quantization noise is nearly identical to that of a conventional analog delta-sigma modulator based PLL ( -PLL). Hence, the quantization noise is highpass shaped and is suppressed by the PLL's loop filter to the point where it is not a dominant contributor to the PLL's output phase noise. However, in contrast to a -PLL, the new PLL has an entirely digital loop filter and its analog components are relatively insensitive to non-ideal analog circuit behavior. Therefore, it offers the performance benefits of a -PLL and the area and scalability benefits of a TDC-based digital PLL. Additionally, the PLL's digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) incorporates a new switched-capacitor frequency control element that is insensitive to supply noise and parasitic coupling. The PLL is implemented in 65 nm CMOS technology, has an active area of 0.56 mm , dissipates 21 mW from 1.0 and 1.2 V supplies, and its measured phase noise at 3.5 GHz is 123, 135, and 150 dBc/Hz at offsets of 1, 3, and 20 MHz, respectively. The PLL's power consumption is lower than previously published digital PLLs with comparable phase noise performance.