Abstract-An adaptive beamforming technique is proposed based on directly minimizing the bit-error rate (BER). It is demonstrated that this minimum BER (MBER) approach utilizes the antenna array elements more intelligently than the standard minimum mean square error (MMSE) approach. Consequently, MBER beamforming is capable of providing significant performance gains in terms of a reduced BER over MMSE beamforming. A block-data adaptive implementation of the MBER beamforming solution is developed based on the Parzen window estimate of probability density function. Furthermore, a sample-by-sample adaptive implementation is considered, and a stochastic gradient algorithm, referred to as the least bit error rate, is derived. The proposed adaptive MBER beamforming technique provides an extension to the existing work for adaptive MBER equalization and multiuser detection.Index Terms-Adaptive beamforming, bit-error rate (BER), mean square error, probability density function (pdf), smart antenna.