Abstract-We study the general scaling laws of the capacity for random wireless networks under the generalized physical model. The generality of this work is embodied in three dimen-. It means that: (1) We study the random network of a general node density λ ∈ [1, n], rather than only study either random dense network (RDN, λ = n) or random extended network (REN, λ = 1) as in most existing works. (2) We focus on the multicast capacity to unify unicast and broadcast capacities by setting the number of destinations of each session n d ∈ [1, n]. (3) We allow the number of sessions changing in the range ns ∈ (1, n], rather than assuming that ns = Θ(n) as in most existing works. We derive the general lower and upper bounds on the capacity for the arbitrary case of (λ, n d , ns). Particularly, when the general results are applied to the special cases (λ = 1, n d ∈ [1, n], ns = n) and (λ = n, n d ∈ [1, n], ns = n), we show that our results close the previous gaps between upper and lower bounds on the multicast capacity under the generalized physical model.