Abstract-In addition to spectrum sensing capability required by a Cognitive Radio (CR), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) estimation of the primary signals is crucial in order to adapt its coverage area dynamically using underlay techniques. Furthermore, in practical scenarios, the fading channel may be correlated due to various causes such as insufficient scattering in the propagation path and antenna mutual coupling. In this context, we consider the SNR estimation problem for a CR in the presence of channel correlation. We study an eigenvaluebased SNR estimation technique for large-scale CR networks using asymptotic Random Matrix Theory (RMT). We carry out detailed theoretical analysis of the signal plus noise hypothesis to derive the asymptotic eigenvalue probability distribution function (a.e.p.d.f.) of the received signal's covariance matrix in the presence of the correlated channel. Then an SNR estimation technique based on the derived a.e.p.d.f. is proposed for PU SNR in the presence of channel correlation and its performance is evaluated in terms of normalized Mean Square Error (MSE). It is shown that the PU SNR can be accurately estimated in the presence of channel correlation using the proposed technique even in low SNR region.