We study ghost distributions on supersymmetric spaces for the case of basic classical Lie superalgebras. We introduce the notion of interlaced pairs, which are those for which both $({\mathfrak{g}},{\mathfrak{k}})$ and $({\mathfrak{g}},{\mathfrak{k}}^{\prime})$ admit Iwasawa decompositions. For such pairs, we define a ghost algebra, generalizing the subalgebra of ${\mathcal{U}}{\mathfrak{g}}$ defined by Gorelik. We realize this algebra as an algebra of $G$-equivariant operators on the supersymmetric space itself, and for certain pairs, the “special” ones, we realize our operators as twisted-equivariant differential operators on $G/K$. We additionally show that the Harish-Chandra morphism is injective, compute its image for all rank one pairs, and provide a conjecture for the image when $({\mathfrak{g}},{\mathfrak{k}})$ is interlaced.