Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the local dynamics of counterion-charged polymer association at charge densities above and below the counterion condensation threshold. Surprisingly, the counterions form weakly-interacting clusters which exhibit short range orientational order, and which decay slowly due to migration of ions across the diffuse double layer. The cluster dynamics are insensitive to an applied electric field, and qualitatively agree with the available experimental data. The results are consistent with predictions of the classical theory only over much longer time scales.PACS numbers: 82.35. Rs, Many biochemical reactions involve local interactions between small molecules (ligands) and biological macromolecules such as DNA, which are polymers consisting of repeating ionizable groups known as polyelectrolytes [1]. When dissolved in a polar solvent such as water, polyelectrolytes ionize and counterions dissociate from the polymer, leaving an oppositely charged polymer backbone. The highly ionized polyelectrolyte in solution attracts small mobile counterions of opposite charge, partially screening the backbone charge. The approach of the small molecules to a polyelectrolyte is governed to a large degree by electrostatic interactions, which in turn depend on the local molecular environment, and in particular is sensitive to the instantaneous distribution of counterions around the polyelectrolyte. Thus, knowledge of the counterion distribution at atomic resolution is crucial for many aspects of DNA dynamics such as molecular assembly and inter-cellular transport.The difficulty in studying polyelectrolyte solutions resides in the delicate interplay of the long range electrostatic interactions, short range intermolecular interactions, and thermal energy, which are comparable to each other in magnitude. Furthermore, typical polyelectrolytes are highly charged, which precludes straightforward application of the usual Debye-Hückel theory [2] of electrolytic solutions. A key advance in understanding the equilibrium state of counterions associated with a charged polymer was the condensation theory of Manning [3], which treated the polyelectrolyte molecule as an infinite rigid rod of uniform charge density −z p e/b, as an approximation to discrete groups of equal charge −z p e separated by a distance b, and considered independent dissolved counterions of charge z c e placed in a uniform bulk solvent of dielectric constant ǫ r about the molecule. Considering the two-dimensional partition function in the plane normal to the polyelectrolyte axis, Manning found that the free counterion configuration is unstable for sufficiently strong electrostatic interaction, when the dimensionless "Manning parameter" ξ ≡ z p z c l B /b > 1, where l B = e 2 /(ǫ r k B T ) is the "Bjerrum length" at which thermal energy k B T equals electrostatic potential energy. He then hypothesized that counterions would condense uniformly on the polyelectrolyte backbone so as to reduce ξ to unity, while the remaining (dilute) unb...