No presente trabalho, três colunas capilares, uma sem recobrimento interno e duas com recobrimentos internos diferentes foram utilizadas na separação de fragmentos de DNA: poli(vinil álcool) (PVA) e poli(dimetilacrilamida) (PDMA) -ambos de recobrimento covalente -foram comparados para a separação de DNA utilizando soluções poliméricas. As separações foram realizadas usando hidroxietilcelulose (HEC) (90-105 kDa) nas concentrações entre 0,00 e 2,00% m/v. Os resultados indicaram que a eficiência de separação foi maior no capilar de PVA do que no de PDMA, em todas as concentrações de HEC testadas. Ainda, uma resolução superior também foi observada com o capilar de PVA, já que com o capilar de PDMA o formato dos picos não se mostrou reprodutível quando corridas subseqüentes foram realizadas. Contrariamente ao relatado na literatura, nenhuma separação foi conseguida com o capilar sem revestimento interno.In this work three capillary columns, one with uncoated inner wall and two with covalentlybound internal coatings -poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(dimethylacrylamide) (PDMA) -both covalently covered -were used to separate DNA fragments and compared to DNA separation using replaceable polymer solutions. The separations were performed using hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) (90-105 kDa) in concentrations ranging from 0.00 to 2.00% m/v. The results indicated that the separation efficiency was higher in the PVA capillary than in the PDMA in all evaluated concentrations of HEC. In addition, higher resolution was also observed in PVA-coated capillary since in PDMA the shape of the peaks was not reproducible when subsequent runs were performed. Contrary to what has previously been reported in the literature, no reasonable separation was possible in bare fused silica.Keywords: DNA separation, capillary coating, laser-induced fluorescence, PDMA, PVA
IntroductionCapillary electrophoresis (CE) is a separation technique widely used for separation of biological macromolecules. It offers great advantages over slab-gel electrophoresis (SGE) -shorter analysis time, smaller quantity of sample, greater efficiency of separation, and easier automation. 1,2 The first attempts to apply CE to DNA separations were carried out in capillaries filled with cross-linked gels, like polyacrylamide. [3][4][5] Later on, some polymeric solutions were used, known as dynamic or physical gels, which are easily prepared and introduced into the capillary, thus enabling its renewal after each analysis and the use of a single capillary for many separations, without any problem with the subsequent separations. 6
DNA migration mechanisms in polymeric matricesThe Ogston and the reptation models were first proposed to explain DNA migration in slab gels, but they have also shown themselves suitable for polymeric solutions. 7 According to the Ogston theory, the DNA fragment keeps a spherical and rigid conformation of radius Rg. This particle moves across a random net formed by the gel fibers. These fibers form pores with average size ξ, which is a function of the po...