The regulated response of endothelial cells (ECs) to signals in their environment is not only critical for the de novo formation of primordial vascular networks during early development (i.e. vasculogenesis), but is also required for the subsequent growth and remodelling of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones (i.e. angiogenesis). Vascular endothelial growth factors (Vegfs) and their endothelial-cell specific receptors play a crucial role in nearly all aspects of blood vessel growth. How the outputs from these pathways affect and coordinate endothelial behaviour is an area of intense research. Recently, numerous studies have highlighted roles for microRNAs in modulating Vegf signalling output in several different contexts. In this review we will provide an overview of how small RNAs regulate multiple aspects of the Vegf signalling pathway. In particular, we highlight areas where identification of microRNAs and their targets has provided new insight into the role of downstream effectors in modulating Vegf output during development. Since Vegf plays a broad role in multiple aspects of endothelial biology and has become a target for therapeutic manipulation of pathological blood vessel growth, microRNAs that affect Vegf signalling output will undoubtedly be major targets of clinical value.