“…Quant Imaging Med Surg 2016;6(5):515-524 qims.amegroups.com of recessive (didymotic) alleles controlling the balance between constriction (i.e., nevus anemicus) and dilatation (i.e., nevus telangiectaticus) of cutaneous blood vessels in an embryo could be the primary event causing twin spotting (i.e., paired vascular twin nevi) (Figure 1) and the appearance of the two neighbouring and partially admixed cell populations would be the secondary phenomenon (2)(3)(4)(5)10). In addition to that, similarly to what occurs in the skin, the crossed hemi-cerebral malformation (Figures 2-4) may well represent dichotomic functional abnormalities likely reflecting allelism at the same, yet undiscovered, underlying gene loci of the vascular twin nevi ( Figure 5).…”