“…[Correction added on 3 May 2024, after first online publication: the reference year for Robinson has been updated to cite the latest edition in the preceding sentence.] Considering a recent resurgence of historical interest in capitalism as a denaturalized, historically specific object within Australian history (Forsyth & Loy‐Wilson, 2017, 2021; Huf et al, 2020; Rees & Huf, 2020), together with the political and theoretical necessity of an explanation for the origins of our current socioecological crises, the time is ripe for serious, historical, world‐ecological contributions. This lacuna is also identified by Julie McIntyre, who notes ‘Australian historians of labour and environment do not participate in international debates about whether or how to consider the historical intersection of nature and labour, or, indeed, nature, labour, and capitalism’ (McIntyre, 2021, p. 73).…”