The presence of noise is currently one of the main obstacles to achieving large-scale quantum computation. Strategies to characterise and understand noise processes in quantum hardware are a critical part of mitigating it, especially as the overhead of full error correction and fault-tolerance is beyond the reach of current hardware. Non-Markovian effects are a particularly unfavorable type of noise, being both harder to analyse using standard techniques and more difficult to control using error correction. In this work we develop a set of efficient algorithms, based on the rigorous mathematical theory of Markovian master equations, to analyse and evaluate unknown noise processes.In the case of time-independent Markovian (or nearly Markovian) dynamics, our algorithm outputs the best-fit Lindbladian, i.e. the Lindblad master equation which best approximates the tomographic data to within the given precision. In the case of non-Markovian dynamics, our algorithm returns a quantitative and operationally meaningful measure of non-Markovianity in terms of isotropic noise addition.We provide a Python implementation of all our algorithms, and benchmark these on a range of 1-and 2-qubit examples of synthesised noisy tomography data, generated using the Cirq platform. The numerical results show that our algorithms succeed both in extracting a full description of the best-fit Lindbladian to the measured dynamics, and in computing accurate measures of non-Markovianity that match analytical calculations.