Puberty is a phase in which individuals often test the boundaries of oneself and surrounding others and further define their identity – and thus their uniqueness compared to other individuals. Similarly, as Computational Social Science (CSS) is growing up, it must strike a balance between its own practices and those of neighboring disciplines to achieve scientific rigor and to refine its identity. However, there may be certain areas within CSS that are reluctant to adopt the rigorous scientific practices from other fields, which can be observed through an exclusive reliance on passively collected data (e.g., through digital traces, wearables) without questioning the validity of such data. This paper argues that CSS should embrace the potential of combining both passive and active measurement practices to capitalize on the strengths of each approach, including objectivity and psychological quality. Additionally, the paper suggests that CSS would benefit from integrating practices and knowledge from other established disciplines, such as measurement validation, theoretical embedding, and open science practices. Based on this argument, the paper provides nine recommendations for CSS to mature as a discipline.