Newcastle Disease (ND) is an important disease of poultry worldwide. Its economic impact is high because mortality may reach 100% in affected poultry farms. This study was aimed at evaluating the protective properties of crude methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera in chickens. Forty two-day old chicks were randomly divided into four groups: I, II, III and IV. Groups I and II were given daily oral treatment of methanolic extract of M. oleifera at 200 mg/kg body weight until day 56 of age. Groups II and III at 42 days of age were vaccinated with the La Sota strain of ND vaccine. Group I was not vaccinated, while IV was left as untreated/unvaccinated control. All the groups were challenged with the velogenic strain of ND virus on day 56 of age. Feed intake and weight gain were evaluated. Following challenge, the birds were monitored for clinical signs, morbidity and mortality. Results of feed intake and weight gain were analysed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Survival was 0, 32, 88 and 100% in groups IV, I, II and III animals, respectively. Therefore, M. oleifera can protect birds from ND and can be used prophylactically against ND.