DOI: 10.4322/rca.2013.058
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Características agronômicas e divergência genética de cultivares de soja para percentagem de óleo nas sementes

Abstract: Objetivou-se estudar características agronômicas e a divergência genética de 21 cultivares de soja em cinco ensaios (dois na área experimental da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, em Palmas-TO, e três na de Gurupi-TO), visando: quantificar a variabilidade genética das cultivares; promover o agrupamento dos genótipos em função da dissimilaridade genética, para percentagem de óleo, e apresentar as hibridações mais promissoras para produzir recombinações superiores. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: … Show more

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Cited by 7 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 10 publications
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“…Average oil content of the cultivars analyzed was 17%, ranging from 15.6 to 19.8% (Table 1). This average is lower than that reported by Peluzio et al, (2014) for cultivars from the State of Tocantins, averaging 19.6%. It was also lower than the averages published by Costa et al (2001) for cultivars from the States of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso, which reached 19.1%.…”
Section: Figure1 Chromatograph Coupled To Mass Spectrometry Agilentcontrasting
confidence: 66%
“…Average oil content of the cultivars analyzed was 17%, ranging from 15.6 to 19.8% (Table 1). This average is lower than that reported by Peluzio et al, (2014) for cultivars from the State of Tocantins, averaging 19.6%. It was also lower than the averages published by Costa et al (2001) for cultivars from the States of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso, which reached 19.1%.…”
Section: Figure1 Chromatograph Coupled To Mass Spectrometry Agilentcontrasting
confidence: 66%
“…Na outra data de plantio (17/12), foram formados quatro grupos, sendo o mais tardio formado por TMG 1288 RR, CD 2737RR, 5X6-3, 5X6-2, P 98Y70RR e M 9144 RR e o mais precoce por CD 251RR, TMG 1180 RR, M 8766 RR e 4X6-12. Peluzio et al (2014) avaliando divergência genética em cultivares de soja, também observaram que o cultivar P 98Y70RR apresentava-se entre os cultivares mais tardios.…”
Section: Resultsunclassified
“…The first group consisted of the cultivars Pampeana 10 RR and 20 RR, a result which may have been influenced by the fact that these cultivars showed the highest values for the leaf area (2,510.42 cm 2 and 2,467.63 cm 2 , respectively) (Table 4), which was the most significant trait to distinguish cultivars (Table 6); the second group consisted of the cultivar P99R09, which had the highest average value for the trait thousand-seed weight; the third group was formed by the cultivars BRS 333 RR and M8766 RR; the fourth group consisted of the cultivars Pampeana 30 RR, BRS Carnaúba, and FT Paragominas Peluzio et al (2014), the formation of groups is of great importance for parental selection, because the new hybrid combinations to be formed must be based on the magnitude of their dissimilarity and parental potential. By relating the Tocher's optimization method and the UPGMA, there was a concordance between them, and 5 groups show a similar constitution.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The most dissimilar soybean cultivars are combined in rather distant groups; they may be regarded as favorable in artificial crossbreeding (Oliveira et al, 2005). However, in addition to dissimilarity, it is necessary that the parents correlate high average values for the other desired agronomic traits Peluzio et al, 2014). Thus, the distance between the cultivar Pampeana 10 RR and the others suggests that it may have a high heterotic effect after crossbreeding with another plant variety.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%