In the realm of a meticulously delineated scientific investigation, titled "Resistance Training as Treatment in Chagasic Patients: An Integrative Review," an academic exploration journey was undertaken with the purpose of elucidating the therapeutic potential of resistance training in individuals tormented by Chagas disease. The inquiry was propelled by the desire to discern the effects of this type of exercise on the characteristic inflammatory markers of the chagasic affliction and assess its viability as a therapeutic modality. The objective was, therefore, to unveil the underlying mechanisms by which resistance training could influence such inflammatory markers and, consequently, improve the quality of life of patients afflicted by the said pathology. To achieve this desideratum, a methodology based on an integrative review of the literature was adopted, endeavoring an exhaustive analysis of pre-existing studies, without, however, incorporating case studies into the research. The results of this profound bibliographic investigation revealed that resistance training emerges as a promising approach in the treatment of chagasic patients, boasting the capacity to attenuate inflammatory markers and, simultaneously, increase physical and psychosocial health. It was found that this exercise modality not only alleviates the physical symptoms of the disease but also strengthens mental health, promotes psychological well-being, and fosters the social inclusion of patients. In conclusion, therefore, the employed methodology was effective in achieving the proposed objectives, allowing a deepened understanding of the benefits of resistance training in patients with Chagas disease. This integrative review not only contributes significantly to the existing literature but also opens paths for future research and practical applications in the field of health and rehabilitation.