0000-0001-9222-4674 3 municipios de La Florida y Buesaco, ubicados en el departamento de Nariño, se establecieron dos ensayos, bajo un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar, con tres repeticiones. La interacción genotipo por ambiente fue signifi cativa para el peso de fruto (PF), diámetro ecuatorial, sólidos solubles totales, contenido de jugo y rendimiento (RTO). En La Florida, B1, B2, B3, B4xB5 y B2XLaSelva fueron los de mejor comportamiento en cuanto a RTO, con promedios entre 6,64 a 9,35t.ha -1 y PF, con 143 a 167g, en su orden. En Buesaco, se destacaron B1 y B2xB8 con RTOs de 7,72 y 9,43t.ha -1 y PF, entre 92,03 y 112,97g, promedios que están por encima del promedio regional y son la base para mejorar estas características.Palabras clave: Solanum quitoense; rendimiento; peso de fruto; índice de selección; interacción genotipo ambiente.Lagos-Santander, L.K.; Lagos-Burbano, T.C.; Duarte-Alvarado, D.E.; Criollo-Escobar, H.; Angulo-Ramos, N.F.: Evaluación de germoplasma de lulo ABSTRACT Solanum quitoense is a plant of great relevance to undertake productive projects for export as an exotic fruit or for industry. Its importance lies in the possibility of contributing to the development of producers in the Andean region, because the lulo is demanded in the market for its flavor, aroma, nutritional and organoleptic properties. Despite its importance, this species has technological deficiencies, among which, the lack of improved cultivars that guarantee greater yields and fruit quality and establish its agronomic efficiency through different environments is highlighted. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of the yield and traits related to the fruit in populations of lulo de Castilla. Eight parents and 10 hybrids were used. In the municipalities of La Florida and Buesaco located in the department of Nariño, two trials were established under a Randomized Complete Blocks design with three repetitions. Genotype interaction by environment was significant for fruit weight (FP), equatorial diameter, total soluble solids, juice content and yield (RTO). In La Florida, B1, B2, B3, B4xB5 and B2XLaSelva were the best performers in terms of RTO with averages between 6.64 to 9.35t.ha-1 and PF with 143 to 167g, in order. In Buesaco, B1 and B2xB8 stood out with RTOs of 7.72 and 9.43t.ha-1, PF between 92.03 and 112.97g, averages that are above the regional average and are the basis for improving these characteristics.