Inclusion complexes of adamantane2-spiro-3'-diazirine (1) in different X-and Y-type zeolites (faujasite) have been prepared. These complexes were analyzed by FT-IR and '3C CP-MAS NMR spectroscopy. The guest-host complexes were irradiated with UV light in the solid state and the reaction products separated from the host and analyzed. Product ratios obtained in zeolites are totally different from those obtained by irradiation of 1 in solution or as a pure compound. In zeolites the main products isolated are 2A-dehydroadamantane (4) and 2-adamantanol (6). In addition, adamantanone (5) and adamantane are formed. While 2-adamantanol(6) is thought to be a product from an acid-catalyzed reaction, the strained 2,4-dehydroadamantane (4) derives from an intramolecular 1,3 C-H insertion of adamantanylidene (3). In stark contrast to reactions in solution, in zeolites the formation of adamantanone azine (7) resulting from an intermolecular reaction is only of minor significance.