(8,21), though its importance as a solute pathway is uncertain. The apoplast now appears to be of major importance for short distance transport (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)20).If apoplastic transport is of general significance, then the intrinsic sink strength of a tissue should be reflected in the rate of assimilate uptake from the free space solution. The use of excised tissue allows the level of free space assimilate to be varied with a bathing solution, permitting direct measurement of the characteristics of uptake. Excised tissue also permits precise manipulation of a number of other variables, such as temperature, osmotic stress, light, nutrient supply, and hormone levels, so that their influences on sink activity can be examined. From studies of sugar uptake from the free space solution, it has been concluded that sugar uptake in a number of species of higher plants is an active, carrier-mediated process (2,3,7,17,19 ments from fully expanded hypocotyls of cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Cotton plants ('Acala SJ 2') were grown at 5-cm spacing in a greenhouse (32 C day and 22 C night ± 5 C) in flats of peat, loamy soil and sand mixed in volumes of 1:1:1. The plants were watered daily with 0.5-strength modified Hoagland solution (18). Hypocotyl elongation was generally complete by the 12th day. Seeds were planted at weekly intervals, and uniform plants were selected between 14 and 21 days old. The top 1 cm of the hypocotyls was discarded, and the next 2 cm (approximately) was sliced into 1-mm segments. The segments were washed in distilled H20 for 1 hr to remove free space solutes and cytoplasmic contamination due to cutting. When hexose uptake was to be measured, the prewashing period was extended to 2 or 3 hr.Sugar solutions used in uptake studies were prepared fresh at the beginning of each experiment. Buffers, osmotica, hormones, and minerals were generally not included since they did not appear to be beneficial. One ml of the unlabeled sugar solutions was dispensed into 50-ml culture tubes, and 10 washed hypocotyl segments were added. After a 1-hr adjustment period, 50 ,ul of uniformly labeled sugar solution (0.1 LM) containing 250,000 cpm was added per tube for the uptake experiments. Labeled sugars were obtained from ICN Chemical and Radioisotope Division, Irvine, Calif. The constant amount of label and varied concentrations of unlabeled sugar gave a variable specific activity that was greater in the dilute solutions. Unless specified otherwise, all uptake studies were done on a rotary shaker at 33 C in the light (140 ,uE photosynthetic active radiation m2 sec '). No special precautions were taken to keep the solutions sterile during uptake or preconditioning since no microbial growth was observed and treatment with 50 mg/l streptomycin had no effect.After the uptake period (generally 2 hr), the segments were rinsed with several changes of distilled H20 for 1 hr to remove free space label. They were then blotted dry and placed in scintillation vials, two segments/vial, with 2.5 ml of 95% ethanol, sealed, and heated at ...