Seven tomato cultivars were studied for compositional changes during ripening at green, breaker, turner, and ripe stages. Result indicated changes in total soluble solids (4.15 to 6.62 g/100 g), acidity (0.36 to 0.54 g/100 g), reducing sugars (0.76 to 4.04 g/100 g), total sugars (1.67 to 5.52 g/100 g), lycopene in skin (0.07 to 14.28 mg/100 g), and in pulp (0.04 to 6.73 mg/ 100 g) during ripening from green to red ripe stage. Cultivar UC-828 was found superior with respect to total soluble solids (6.62 g/100 g), reducing sugars (4.04 g/100 g), and total sugars (5.52 g/100 g) where as cultivar 8-2-1-2-5 was found superior with respect to lycopene in skin (14.28 mg/100 g) and in pulp (6.73 mg/100 g). Hunter color values showed a change from negative value of 'a' (greenness) to positive values (redness) where as 'b' decreased. The (b/a) and tan −1 (b/a) showed a similar pattern of first increased and then decreased. The puncture resistance was decreased from 10.5 to 2.3 N indicating softening during ripening. Correlation studies showed that lycopene content best correlated with Hunter 'a' values during ripening (R 2 = 0.84 to 0.93). Intercultivar variation in physicochemical parameters at all stages of ripening revealed that Castle Rock was the best cultivar.