. 2009. Enzyme addition facilitates the post-disease compensatory growth of broiler chickens challenged with Clostridium perfringens. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 89: 369Á381. In vitro incubation studies using a multicarbohydrase supplement showed a significant depolymerization of nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) of soybean meal (SBM), canola meal and flaxseed meal, which was associated with the production of water-soluble NSP hydrolysis products. Effects of diet type and enzyme addition on growth performance of broiler chickens were investigated in a Clostridium perfringens challenge (10 9 CFU bird (1 on day 14) study. A total of 2640 male chickens were assigned to six treatments (wheat/SBM, unchallenged; wheat/SBM challenged; wheat/SBM'enzyme, challenged; wheat/flaxseed, unchallenged; wheat/flaxseed, challenged; wheat/flaxseed'enzyme, challenged). When compared with the wheat/SBM-based diets, birds fed flaxseed-containing diets had a decreased final body weight, an inferior overall feed conversion ratio (FCR), and an increased intestinal digesta viscosity (PB0.01). Pathogen challenge caused mucosal lesions and increased (PB0.05) the incidence of necrotic enteritis mortality with the highest mortality rate observed in birds fed the flaxseed diet without enzyme. Enzyme addition decreased (PB0.05) the overall FCR from 1.88 to 1.77 and from 1.96 to 1.86 in challenged birds fed wheat/SBM and flaxseed-containing diets, respectively. In conclusion, feeding flaxseed had adverse effects on growth performance, and enzyme addition improved the nutritive value of flaxseedcontaining diets, and facilitated the post-disease compensatory growth of chickens after C. perfringens challenge. . L'ajout d'un enzyme facilite la croissance de compensation apre`s la provocation des poulets de chair avec Clostridium perfringens Can. J. Anim. Sci. 89: 369Á381. Les essais d'incubation in vitro qui recourent a`un supple´ment fait de carbohydrases multiples re´ve`lent une importante de´polyme´risation des polysaccharides non amylace´s (PNA) des tourteaux de soja (TS), de canola et de lin, avec pour re´sultat la synthe`se des de´rive´s hydrosolubles de l'hydrolyse des PNA. Les auteurs ont examine´quels effets la ration et un supple´ment enzymatique avaient sur la croissance de poulets de chair provoque´s avec Clostridium perfringens (10 9 UFC par volatile le 14 e jour). En tout, 2 640 sujets de sexe maˆle ont e´te´re´partis entre 6 traitements (ble´/TS, sans provocation; ble´/TS, avec provocation; ble´/TS'enzyme, avec provocation; ble´/lin, sans provocation; ble´/lin, avec provocation; ble´/lin' enzyme, avec provocation). Comparativement aux rations ble´/TS, les oiseaux nourris avec les rations renfermant du lin e´taient moins gros a`la fin de l'expe´rience, se caracte´risaient par un indice de consommation infe´rieur et avaient des digest plus visqueux dans l'intestin (P B0,01). La provocation avec la bacte´rie pathoge`ne entraıˆne des le´sions aux muqueuses et augmente (PB0,05) le taux de mortalite´par ente´rite ne´crotique, le taux le plus e´leve´e...