The essential oils of six endemic Malagasy Helichrysum species were investigated by GC (RI), GC–MS and 13C NMR spectrometry. In total, 153 compounds were identified accounting for 90.8% to 99.9% of the total composition. The main constituents were α-pinene for H. benthamii, 1,8-cineole for H. dubardii, (E)-β-caryophyllene for H. indutum, and H. bojerianum. H. diotoides essential oil was characterized by the presence of two lilac alcohols and four lilac acetates whereas H. hirtum essential oil exhibited an atypical composition with 7β-H-silphiperfol-5-ene, 7-epi-subergorgiol, and 7-epi-silphiperfol-5-en-13-oic acid as major components.