Solid-state NMR is widely used to characterize organic matter (OM), including litter inputs, peat, composts, and mineral soil, and to understand the fate of environmental contaminants. The combination of high-power decoupling, magic-angle spinning (MAS), and cross polarization (CP) to enhance sensitivity has greatly facilitated applications to 13 C, with lesser use of 15 N and 31 P. Focusing on 13 C, this article summarizes the development of the field and presents basic concepts of solid-state NMR, pulse sequences commonly used [direct polarization (DP), CP, dipolar dephasing (DD), and total sideband suppression (TOSS)], sample preparation and hydrofluoric acid pretreatment, general approaches to spectral acquisition and FID processing, removal of background signal, and data analysis including correction for spinning side bands (SSBs) and interpretation through a molecular mixing model of representative biopolymers. As CP NMR is inherently nonquantitative, and nuclei may be undectectable even with DP, techniques to improve quantitative reliability are discussed. More complex experiments can reveal spatially heterogeneous domains by generating subspectra of 13 C associated with protons with different relaxation times, and more recent developments allow spectral editing and two-dimensional (2-D) applications such as heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR). Applications of solid-state 15 N NMR are much more challenging, because of its low sensitivity and low natural abundance. Similarly, despite 100% natural abundance and high sensitivity, solid-state 31 P NMR is also limited by the small chemical shift range of phosphate minerals, and peak broadening and large higher order sidebands because of their close association with paramagnetics and large chemical shift anisotropy (CSA). However, studies with these nuclei can still provide much insight into OM cycling and the fate of fertilizers and contaminants in the environment.
Principles of NMRThe basis of NMR spectroscopy is that only certain atomic nuclei have a nuclear spin I, and thus a magnetic moment μ, which interacts with a static magnetic field. These nuclei include 1 H, 13 C, 15 N, and 31 P (Table 1 1 ). In an external magnetic field B 0 , which is represented as a vector in the z direction, such nuclei split into 2I + 1 energy levels, with the splitting proportional to the field strength B 0 and γ , a constant for each nucleus. Nuclei with I = 1 / 2 , such as 1 H and 13 C, therefore, split into two populations. The very slight surplus of nuclei in the lower energy level, as determined by the Boltzmann equation, results at equilibrium in a macroscopic sample magnetization M 0 (Figure 1a). In fact, each nuclear spin is not statically aligned, but precessing around B 0 at the Larmor frequency ω, which corresponds to the energy gap ΔE:Rather than the laboratory (static) frame of reference, Figure 1 uses a reference frame rotating at the Larmor frequency, which simplifies the picture. In NMR, transitions between the energy levels are induced by a very bri...