Carbon-13 NMR studies have been performed on 2-TBP, 4-TBP, 2,4-DTBP, and 2,6-DTBP in the neat phase, in 100% methanol, and in 81 wt % methanol-water to yield chemical shifts and Tx values for the majority of the carbons and jjc-h values for the methyl and methine carbons. These have been analyzed for the neutral and cationic species to provide information on the hydrogen bonding of the solvent molecules to the solute, the motion of the solute in the solvent cavity, and the extent of the internal rotation of the methyl and ferf-butyl groups in the neutral and cationic species. Employing the theoretical treatment of Woessner, we found the barriers to rotation for the methyl group to be in the 2.0-4.5 kcal mol"1 range. Small but significant changes are observed for this parameter upon protonation of 2-TBP and 2,6-DTBP. The TsR value for the methine carbons of 2,6-DTBP also increases upon protonation, indicating that the rotation of the ferf-butyl group is more hindered in the cation than the neutral species. These results support our previous contention that internal motions in 2,6-DTBP are more hindered in the cation than in the neutral species.