. Ces valeurs, infe´rieures a`d'autres valeurs largement diffuse´es par ailleurs, et cette variation de´croissante de la capacite´de stockage avec la dure´e de TCSL sont cohe´rentes avec la tendance moyenne observe´e a`partir d'un large e´chantillonnage de donne´es de la litte´rature internationale. L'e´volution de ce stockage de carbone est discute´e en lien avec les indications sur l'e´volution du stock de carbone des sols de cette meˆme re´gion, les indicateurs de stockage potentiel, et les implications lie´es a`l'e´volution du climat.
Mots clé s:Techniques de culture sans labour, travail superficiel, semis direct, stockage de carbone, se´questration, mitigation, gaz aè ffet de serre, essai de longue dure´e, climat tempe´reḾ etay, A., Mary, B., Arrouays, D., Labreuche, J., Martin, M., Nicolardot, B. and Germon, J.-C. 2009. Effects of reduced or no tillage practices on C sequestration in soils in temperate regions. Can. J. Soil Sci. 89: 623Á634. Cultivated soils in temperate regions have the potential for carbon storage, which can be used to limit CO 2 emissions with the aid of adapted agricultural practices, and, more particularly, with no-tillage techniques. The C storage capacity was evaluated over a longterm experiment in Boigneville (Basin of Paris, France) and results compared with data from the international literature. The evolution of soil carbon storage under a corn-wheat rotation indicates a tendency for moderate carbon storage under plowed systems (0.10 t C ha(1 yr (1 for 28 yr), reduced tillage or no tillage systems (0.21 t and 0.19 t C ha (1 yr (1 , respectively, for the same period). With no significant difference between direct seeding and reduced tillage, the average effect of these techniques is estimated to be 0.10 t C ha(1 yr (1 for 28 yr. This, however, appears to be moderately lower than the 0.20 t C ha(1 yr (1 estimated for the first 20 yr. The C storage values we have found, showing decreasing storage capacity over time, are consistent with the average tendency drawn from data based on an extensive review of the international literature. In this paper we discuss soil C sequestration, its potential level and the role of climate change in the context of soils from the same region.