Carbon and graphite materials have remarkable characteristics of withstanding high temperatures up to 3000°C in protective environment, good thermal shock resistance, low coefficient of thermal expansion, good thermal and electrical conductivities, low density, etc. These properties make them strong candidates to be used in general high temperature engineering applications. 1,2 However, there are disadvantages such as low strength as compared to various ceramic materials and their limited use in an oxidizing atmosphere above 450°C. Carbon and Graphite materials have low friction values as well. Various techniques have been tried to overcome these problems. These are coating the carbon surface with borates or borosilicates or incorporating different carbides into carbon materials which can increase the oxidation resistance temperature to about 900-1000°C and also decrease wear. 3--6 The development of carbon-ceramic particulate composites is another way to overcome these disadvantages. The incorporation of different ceramics into carbon results in significant improvement in mechanical properties, especially hardness and bending strength, in addition to enhancement of oxidation resistance of the carbon-ceramic composites. 7 Many efforts have been made to prepare carbon-ceramic composites with silicon powder and phenolic resin as carbon precursor. Tang et al 8 reported a three-step process in which silicon powder and phenolic resin were used as raw materials to fabricate silicon carbide powder via coat-mix process. They obtained silicon carbide powders of particle size varying from 0.1 to 0.4 μm with mean particle size of