Interdiffusion coefficients in Nb 2 C and NbC 1Ϫx were measured using bulk diffusion couples in the temperature range from 1400 ЊC to 1700 ЊC. Marker experiments were used to show that carbon is the only component undergoing significant diffusion in both carbides. Carbon concentrations were measured by difference using electron probe microanalysis, and interdiffusion coefficients were taken from Boltzmann-Matano analyses of the resulting concentration profiles. This analysis clearly showed that, in NbC 1Ϫx , interdiffusion coefficient varies with carbon concentration, and is expressed by 28,450 ע 850 ϳ Ϫ9 2 D (NbC ) ϭ 3.84 ϫ 10 exp (23.24x) exp Ϫ m /s 1Ϫx