Early Mars may have had a warmer and denser atmosphere allowing for the presence of liquid water on the surface. However, climate model studies have not been able to reproduce these conditions even with a CO 2 atmosphere of several bars. Recent 3D simulations of the early Mars climate show that mean surface temperatures only slightly below 273 K could be reached locally.We want to investigate the effect of increased partial pressures of N 2 on early Mars' surface temperature by including pressure broadening of absorption lines and collision-induced N 2 -N 2 absorption.A 1D radiative-convective cloud-free atmospheric model was used to calculate temperature profiles and surface conditions. We performed a parameter study varying the N 2 partial pressures from 0 to 0.5 bar at CO 2 partial pressures between 0.02 bar and 3 bar. These values are consistent with existing estimates of the initial, pre-Noachian reservoir for both species. Solar insolation was set to be consistent with the late Noachian, i.e. around 3.8 billion years ago.Our 1D global mean simulations clearly show that enhanced N 2 content in the Martian atmosphere could have increased surface temperatures. An additional greenhouse warming of up to 13 K was found at a high N 2 partial pressure of 0.5 bar. Still, even at this N 2 partial pressure, global mean surface temperatures remained below 273 K, i.e. the freezing point of water. However, given the magnitude of the N 2 -induced surface warming and the results of recent 3D studies which show that local mean surface temperatures are not much lower than 273 K, our results imply that the presence of atmospheric N 2 could have led to almost continously habitable mean surface conditions in some regions. In addition, atmospheric water column amounts increased by up to a factor of 6 in response to the surface warming, indicating that precipitation might also increase upon increasing N 2 partial pressure.